An Autoslalom (also known as Solo, Solo2, Autocross, or AutoX) event is a driving skills challenge that consists of driving through a course laid out using pylons against the clock. Cars race independently of each other, which greatly reduces the risk of competitors coming in contact. Each run is electronically timed, and at the end of the day, the fastest driver in each class is the winner.
Almost any driver can participate in almost any car, no matter how old, the make, the model, or the modifications that have been done to the vehicle. As long as the car meets certain safety standards, Autoslalom has a class for your car. Events run all day, beginning in the morning with registration, a course walk through, driver’s meeting then the actual event itself. If time permits at the end of the day ‘fun runs’ may be available to practice and hone your skills without the timed competition. All events to be held at the Sadlon Centre in Barrie unless noted
2024 Schedule
Sunday June 2 Event #1
Sunday June 23 Event #2
Sunday July 7 Event #3
Sunday July 21 Event #4
Sunday August 10 Event #5 Night event at Brechin Motorsport Park
Sunday August 17 Event #6
Saturday August 18th Event #7
Our schedule is as follows for each event but is subject to change.
8:00 am – Registration Opens
9:00 am – Registration Closes
9:15 am – Driver’s Meeting (All Drivers Must Attend)
9:30 am – First Car On Course
4:00 pm – The Final Runs of the day must start before
5:00 pm – Fun Runs (if there are any) End – Clean-up Starts
2024 Entry Fees:
Pre-registration via is MANDATORY but payment in cash will be accepted at the event.
TLMC Members for 2024 – $40
Non-TLMC Members – $50
Note: Fees will be higher at other venues such as the Saturday August 19th event.
Day of/walk in entries are no longer accepted. You must register online before 9 p.m. the night before the event.
More than one driver may be registered per car, however if you do not arrive early enough the organizers reserve the right to not allow both drivers to run.
Drivers are not allowed to compete in more than one car.
Vehicle: Must be a 4-wheeled vehicle with an effective muffler, secure battery and must be free of loose items that might fall off of the car. Inside the car, the interior and trunk/hatch must be free of loose items that could interfere with the driver during competition. The driver is responsible for vehicle safety.
Classes: Being a CASC-OR club TLMC abides by the CASC Autoslalom rule set.
CASC-OR Autoslalom Rules:
Classes: TLMC has adopted the CASC-OR Autoslalom rule set, which uses SCCA/ASN car classification. Car classifications are closely monitored by the SCCA and while they can appear daunting, the goal is to have fun against similar cars and TLMC will assist with getting competitors classed.
Eligibility: Competitors must possess a valid driver’s license. Everyone on site, including spectators, must sign the waiver form. Passengers are permitted as per the CASC-OR Autoslalom rules.
• FIA 8859-2015
• Snell 2020 SA, or M 2020 D or M 2020 R
• Snell 2015 SA, or 2015 M
• SFI Foundation 31.1/2015
• ECE R22.05 ECE 22.05 (expiry: ten years after date of manufacture as noted on unaltered, helmet label)
Helmets homologated to Snell M, ECE 22.05, and ECE R22.05 standard are not acceptable for use in vehicles equipped with roll cages
Marshalling: Each competitor is to report to the TLMC chief marshal immediately after completing each run to find out their marshaling assignment. If a driver doesn’t complete all of their marshalling stints they will lose their fastest time and risk not being allowed to enter future events.
Timing: Timing is done electronically and drivers must be aware of the position of the timing equipment. Each pylon knocked out of its box or tipped over on course results in 2 seconds added to a competitor’s time. A DNF is given if the competitor goes off course or hits the end cone (varies by event) in the stop box.
Class Position: Each competitor best run will be scored, and then placed in order by time.
TLMC Points: Each prep level class winner will receive 100 points, and subsequent competitor’s score will be a percentage of the class prep level winner’s score. Competitor’s overall score is the sum of his/her best 5 event scores.
Club Championship: TLMC Members – 1st overall receives club trophy and keeper trophy. 1st and 2nd and 3rd in each combined prep level receive keeper trophy.
Novice Championship: To qualify as a novice, you must not have competed in more than two Autoslalom events and be a TLMC member. The scoring will be the sum of her/his best 5 of 9 events.
Membership fee: $30.00 per year. A membership will reduce your entry fee and allow you to compete for points in the club championship.
Note: Memberships will NOT be available at the event.
Volunteers: Do you enjoy TLMC events? Our club runs on volunteers only! Most of the people you see at registration, setting up the course and timing gear are racers just like you. The rest are just there to help. Running these events takes dedication to the fun of the sport and we appreciate any offer to help!